To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 9 October 1779
From Samuel Huntington
Philadelphia, 9 Oct. 1779. Circular to the state executives enclosing resolutions relative to Continental finance (see note below); asks promptness in payment and regrets that the state quotas are so large.
RC (Vi); 3 p.; signed: “Samll: Huntington President”; endorsed by a clerk. FC (DLC: PCC, No. 14). Enclosure: copy of a series of resolves of Congress signed by Charles Thomson (Vi): two resolutions of 6 Oct. fixing the additional sum of money for the Continental treasury required by 1 Oct. 1780 at $15,000,000, and encouraging private loans; three resolutions of 7 Oct. requesting state treasurers to make monthly returns of sums transmitted, fixing the state quotas (that of Virginia at $2,500,000), and declaring that this apportionment is not to be regarded as a precedent. These resolves are printed in xv, 1147–50. They were laid before the House of Delegates on 22 Oct. (TJ to Harrison, 22 Oct.).