To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 13 September 1779
From George Washington
Head Quarters West Point Septr. 13th. 1779
I have the honor to inclose your Excellency the Copy of a Letter from Mr. Loring British Commissary of Prisoners to our Commissary of prisoners respecting the measures which have been taken in the Care of Lieutenant Governor Hamilton and the enemys intentions of retaliation in Consequence. By this your Excellency will be able to Judge how far it may be expedient to relax in the present treatment of Mr. Hamilton. Colo. Mathews, who will have the honor of delivering this, comes out at the request of the Virginia Officers in Captivity to solicit such indulgence for him and his companions, as will induce the enemy to relinquish the Execution of their threats. I have the honor to be With perfect Respect and Esteem Your Excellencys Most Obedt. Servt.,
G Washington
FC (DLC: Washington Papers). In hand of Caleb Gibbs and endorsed: “Governor Jefferson 13th: Septr. 1779‥‥” The enclosed letter from Joshua Loring (British commissary of prisoners) to John Beatty (American commissary of prisoners) unfortunately has not been found.
On the Hamilton case generally, see TJ to Bland, 8 June 1779, and references there.