Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Jay, 6 September 1779

From John Jay

Philadelphia 6th: Septr: 1779


You will receive herewith enclosed a copy of an Act of Congress of the 4th: Inst, giving Lieut. Colonel Simms leave of Absence from his Regiment until the 20th Novr. next, together with copies of two letters on that subject, one from General Washington of the 19th: Ulto. the other from Lieut. Coll: Simms of the 2nd: Inst. It is the wish of Congress that Coll: Simms may be enabled to join his Regiment as speedily as possible and that such measures may be taken relative to the business which calls him to Virginia as may render applications for like Indulgences from other officers under similar circumstances unnecessary.

I have the honor to be with great Respect and Esteem Your Excellencys Most Obedient Servant,

John Jay

RC (Vi); endorsed in a clerk’s hand. FC (DLC: PCC, No. 14). Enclosures: (1) copy of a resolution of Congress, 4 Sep. (in Vi); printed in JCC, description begins Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, ed. W. C. Ford and others, Washington, 1904–1937 description ends xv, 1025; (2) copy of George Washington to Congress, 19 Aug. 1779; printed in Washington, Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, xvi, 129–30; (3) copy of Lt. Col. Simms to Congress, 2 Sep. 1779; original in DLC: PCC, No. 78, xx.

Lt. Col. Charles simms, of the 2d Va. Regt., had sought leave in order to survey his bounty lands; besides the references above, see JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia (cited by session and date of publication) description ends , Oct. 1779, 1827 edn., p. 11; JCC description begins Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, ed. W. C. Ford and others, Washington, 1904–1937 description ends , xiv, 933; xv, 1018.

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