Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from William Phillips, 12 August 1779

From William Phillips

Colonel Carters House August 12th: 1779


I am exceedingly sorry the Weather yesterday prevented me from having the pleasure of seeing you.

I return you my very sincere thanks for the answer to my letter of the day before yesterday. Mr. Geddes shall be sent in a very few days and I shall persue for the several Prisoners of War any mode of conveying money and Clothing to them you shall prefer.

The British Officers intend to perform a Play next Saturday at the Barracks. I shall be extremely happy to have the honour to attend you and Mrs. Jefferson in my Box at the Theatre should you or that Lady be enclined to go.

I am, Sir, with very great personal respect Your most obedient humble Servant,

W Phillips

RC (Lloyd W. Smith, Madison, N.J., 1946). Endorsed by TJ: “W Philips.”

TJ’s answer to Phillips’ letter of 10 Aug. has not been found.

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