Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from — Savarit, [after 22 July 1779]

From — Savarit

[Without place, after 22 July 1779.] Directed to the Governor and Council and written after the contract between the State of Virginia and Penet, Windel & Co. (q.v., 22 July) was signed. The writer considers the tenth and eleventh articles of the contract objectionable because they limit the exemption of arms makers from military service to twenty-one years and because the exemption applies only to imported laborers—a restriction which will “oblige the Undertakers to a perpetual importation of Artificers.” He asks for amendment of these articles before the contract is submitted to the assembly for ratification.

Translation (Vi); 2 p.; attested by Charles Bellini. Enclosed in TJ to Harrison, 30 Oct. 1779, q.v. See also Penet to TJ, 17 Aug. 1779.

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