Thomas Jefferson Papers

Appointment of a Boundary Commissioner, [24 June 1779]

Appointment of a Boundary Commissioner

[24 June 1779]

Daniel Smith esqr. is appointed a Commissioner for extending the Boundary Line between Virginia and North Carolina, in the room of the Revd. James Madison who declines acting. Certified under my hand and the Seal of the Commonwealth this 24th Day of June in the Third year of the Commonwealth Annoque Domini 1779.

Th: Jefferson

MS (DLC: Rives Papers). In a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ.

On the proposal to extend The boundary line between Virginia and North Carolina, see a resolution of the House of Delegates, 15 June 1779 (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia (cited by session and date of publication) description ends , May 1779, 1827 edn., p. 48–9).

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