73. A Bill against Conspirators, 18 June 1779
73. A Bill against Conspirators
Be it declared and enacted by the General Assembly, that conspirators be they that do confederate or bind themselves by oath, covenant, or other alliance that every of them shall aid and bear the other falsely and maliciously to move or cause to be moved any indictment1 or information against another on the part of the commonwealth, and those who are convicted thereof at the suit of the commonwealth, shall be punished by imprisonment and amercement at the discretion of a jury.
xii, 334.
, p. 51. Text of Act as adopted is inBill was presented by Madison 31 Oct. 1785 and on 14 Dec. postponed to the next session (xii, 410–11).
, Oct. 1785, 1828 edn., p. 12–15, 92). At the Oct. 1786 session it was brought up again, passed by the House on 18 Nov., and approved by the Senate on 27 Nov. (same, Oct. 1786, p. 16–17, 44, 46, 48, 64, 127). The text of the Act as adopted is identical with the Bill as proposed, with the exception noted below; Act was suspended until 1 July 1787 (1. Act reads incorrectly: “enticement.”