Thomas Jefferson Papers

Account of Guard for British Prisoners, [5 October 1777]

Account of Guard for British Prisoners

[5 October 1777]

Acct of the guard as presented by Bernis Brown was for himself from Nov. 15. 1776 to May. 15. 1777. 181 days @ 2/ 18 2 0
 to 10. privates from Nov. 15. 1776. to Apr. 10. 1777. 146 days @ 1/4 97 6 8
 to 4. privates from Apr. 10. to May 15. 35. days @ 1/4 9 6 8
 to 6 ¾℔ candle 6 9
125 2 1

Certified the above.

2d. acct.
  Bernice Brown 139 days (to wit from May 15. to Sep. 29.) 13 18 0
  Wm. Statham 139 days 9 5 4
  Stephen Hughes 133. days 8 17 2
  Horseley Goodman 133 days 8 17 4
  David Statham 99 days 6 12
48 0
Berenice Brown to dieting himself & one of the guard to Staunton with Dow 1 0

Octob. 5. 1777.

certified the above and that at the close of those charges the guard was disbanded

N (DLC). In TJ’s hand, written on verso of Patrick Henry to TJ, 26 Feb. 1777.

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