Thomas Jefferson Papers

Subscription to Support a Clerk of the Congregation in Charlottesville, [February 1777]

Subscription to Support a Clerk of the Congregation in Charlottesville

[February 1777]

We the Subscribers agree to pay on the 25th. day of December in the present year 1777. and so on the 25th. day of December annually in every year after till we shall notify the contrary in writing to the Wardens for our Congregation, the sums affixed to our respective names, to such person or persons as by a majority of our Congregation, to be called together by the wardens for that purpose, shall from time to time be appointed to the office of clerk for the said Congregation, to assist the reverend Charles Clay in performing divine service whenever he shall attend at Charlottesville for that purpose.

  • Th: Jefferson thirty shillings.
  • Jno. Harvie twenty Shillings
  • Randolph Jefferson ten shillings
  • Peter Marks Five Shillings

MS (DLC); in TJ’s hand, with autograph signatures. This subscription was drawn up at the same time as the subscription to support a Protestant Episcopalian clergyman, described in the notes to the preceding document. It accompanies that subscription in the TJ Papers and is not separately catalogued in DLC.

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