Thomas Jefferson Papers

Militia Return as County Lieutenant, 1776

Militia Return as County Lieutenant


Capt Orl[ando] Jeremiah Nichols Clear
Jones’s Company Ice-and Snow2 Clear
Joshua Fry Clear 15.
William Gaines Clear
Alexander Gordon Clear Capt. Wallace’s co.
Mesheck Hitchcock Clear Thomas Anderson Clear
Henley Hamner Clear John Black senr. Clear
Richard Harper Clear Alexander Black Clear
Christopher Hudson Service John Black junr. Clear
William Tompkins Clear William Black Clear
Travis Tucker Clear John Davies Clear
Thomas Wingfeild Clear Benjamin Davies Clear
Charles Catlet1 Clear Francis Davies Clear
Adam Kerr Clear
11. William Kerr Clear
Gilbert Kerr Clear
Capt. Wm. Sims’s co. Hugh McWilliams Clear
William Allen Clear John McWilliams Clear
James Barlow Clear Saml. McCord Clear
Major Dowell Clear John McCue Clear
David Dalton junr. Clear John Massie Clear
Robert Douglass. quaker. Gravit Edwards Clear Service
John Moore Robert Pilson Clear Clear
Nehemiah Grinning Service Davies Stockdon Clear
John Grinning Clear Thomas Stockdon Clear
John Hamock Clear William Tomlinson Clear
Abraham Monday Service James Woods Clear
Jonathan Monday Clear John Wheary Service
George Mansfeild Service William Davis3 Clear
Campbell McCauley Clear 24.
Capt. Davies’s co. Samuel Davies Clear
Henry Burke Clear Isaac Davies Clear
Bartlet Davies Clear Thomas Davies Clear
Thompson Epperson Clear William Davies Clear
John Innis Service James Granford Clear
James Keaton Clear James Herring Clear
Samuel McCulloch Service George Herring Service
John McDaniel Clear Christopher Herring Clear
Uriah McDaniel Clear David Mills Clear
David Owen Service Zachariah Mills Clear
John Shifflet Clear John McRae Clear
Richard Snow Service Alexander McCulloch Service
Roger Thompson Clear John Ozby Clear
Evan Thos. Watson4 Clear James Rippetoe Clear
Simon Ramsay Clear
13. William Ramsay Clear
Achilles Rogers Clear
Capt. Rob. Harris’s co. John Spradling Clear
David Blackwell Clear William Simpson Clear
Bernis Brown Wm. Cave Service Samuel Twyman Clear
John Brown Clear William Watts Clear
William Craig Clear Joseph Ward6 Clear
Benjamin Clarke Clear
George Webb Jones Clear 24.
Lewis Jones Service
William Jones Service Capt. John Jones’s co.
Daniel Maupin Lodowick Cook Clear
 (son of John) Clear Randolph Cartee Clear
Daniel Maupin John Eubanks Clear
 (son of Daniel) Clear William Eubanks Service
Cornelius Maupin William Leak Service
 (son of John) Clear Jesse Melton Service
Cornelius Maupin Benjamin Melton Clear
 (son of Daniel) Clear William Statham Clear
Thomas Maupin Clear David Statham Clear
William Maupin junr. Clear Charles Statham Clear
Harris Massey Clear Geo. Wilbleduf Service
Thomas Massey Clear Chas. Bowyer7 Clear
Joseph Marshall Clear
William Norris Clear 11.
Robert Rhodes Service
John Thurmond Clear Capt. Smith’s co.
Benjamin Thurmond Service
Thomas Wherry5 Clear Bradley Carter Clear
James Consolver Clear
22. Micajah Chiles Clear
John Grayson Clear
Capt. Dalton’s co. William Gragg Clear
Samuel Barksdale Clear Michael Harlow Clear
Martin Consolver Clear William Hayes Clear
John Mills Clear Capt. Lewis’s co.
Menan Mills Clear James Beck Clear
Charles Mitchel Clear James Carver Clear
Charles Pettus Clear Richard Carver Clear
Thomas Smith (fifer) Service Christopher Clarke junr Clear
Solomon Wood Clear Bowler Clarke Clear
James Wilson8 Clear James Clarke Clear
14 William Cambden Clear
Peter Hall Clear
Capt. Martin’s co. John Mickie. Lieutt. Clear
Thomas Apling Clear James Olverson Clear
David Apling Clear Chiles Terril Clear
Samuel Blaine Clear Alexandr. White Clear
John Blaine Clear Jas. Robinson Service
James Blaine Clear Martin Bunch11 Clear
James Barrett Clear
Richard Baker Service 14
Elijah Baker Clear Capt. Charles Sims’s co.
John Douglass Clear
John Garland Clear
John Herd Clear Green Clay Clear
Samuel Murril Clear Charles Denton Service
George Murril Clear David Grymes Clear
George Martin Clear William Moon Clear
Stephen Moore Clear John Sorrow Clear
Joshua Tadlock Service Henry Wood Clear
John Thurmond Clear Samuel Wood12 Clear
Joso. Toms9 Clear
Capt. Wingfeild’s co. Capt. Benj. Harris’s co.
John Bailey Clear Capt. Benj. Harriss Service
Edward Butler Service Wm. Jordan Clear
William Calvert Clear Benj. Jordan Clear
William Fosset Clear Chas. Irving Clear
Humphrey Gaines Clear Thos. Upton Clear
Stephen Hughes Clear Robt. Davis Clear
Randolph Jefferson Clear Benj. Miles Clear
Isaac Jackson Clear Wm. Miles Clear
John Jouett jr. Clear Richd. Miles Clear
William Leak Clear John Cheatham13 Service
Hastings Marks Clear
George Manly Clear 10
Joseph Neilson Clear
Thomas West Clear Capt. Wheeler’s co.
William Wingfeild10 Clear John Britt Service
15. Jeremiah Collins Clear
Bartlet Dednam Clear William Henderson
Thomas Green Clear Robert Priddy
Rowland Horseley Clear Joseph Roberts
Charles Lewis Clear James Taylor
Henry McMannus Clear Roger Tandy
Andrew Ray Clear William Tandy15
Micajah Wheeler junr. Clear
John Wheeler Clear 14
Richard Wood Clear
Alexr. McKinzie14 Service Capt. Henderson’s co.
Thomas Adams Clear
13. Anderson Bryan Clear
John Collins Service
Lieut. Medlin’s co. Richard Gaines Clear
George Beaver Clear Daniel Harvie Service
John Beaver Service Richard Harvie Service
Edmond Burnett Henry Kirbie Clear
John Clarkson Isham Lewis Clear
Micajah Carr Richard Sharpe Clear
William Carter David Whipple16 Clear
Jesse Gooch
John Hammock 10.

A roll of the Volunteers, draughts and substitutes for the county of Albemarle.17

  • 1. William Lewis Benge.
  • 2. Alexander McCullock (marches with Louisa men.)
  • 3. Stanhope Johnson for Gravit Edwards.
  • 4. Nehemiah Grinning  deserted
  • 5. Abraham Monday. […]ty Continentl. officer
  • 6. George Mansfeild.
  • 7. John Innis. v. <deserted > James Keaton
  • 8. Uriah McDaniel for Saml. McCulloch.
  • 9. David Owen
  • 10. John McDaniel for Richard Snow.
  • 11. Lewis Williams for Bernis Brown.
  • 12. Lewis Jones. Discharged
  • 13. William Jones
  • 14. Richard Garbutt for Robert Rhodes
  • 15. Sabert King for Benjamin Thurmond.
  • 16. William Eubanks. <deserted >
  • 17. William Leak.  Appeared
  • 18. Jesse Melton. deserted <I expect will appear>
  • 19. George Wilbleduff. deserted
  • 20. Richard Gully for George Herring.
  • 21. John Willis for Thomas Smith <deserted>
  • 22. Richard Baker.  deserted
  • 23. Joshua Tadlock.
  • 24. James Robertson
  • 25. Edward Butler, on furlow to meet at Alexa. Apl. 1st
  • 26. David Denton for Charles Denton.
  • 27. Benjamin Harris. On Furlow ‘till 26th. Jn.
  • 28. John Cheatham. Sick
  • 29. Alexander Mckenzie. detained by an arrest.
  • 30. John Collins
  • 31. Peter Howard for Daniel Harvie.
  • 32. Richard Harvie
  • 33. John Beaver  deserted
  • 34. John Carver for Christopher Hudson
  • 35. Nicholas Burger for John Wherry
  • 36. John Britt.

Th: Jefferson Cy. Lt.

Tabular MS (DLC). Names in TJ’s hand (with a few exceptions) and notations in several other hands. A second tabular MS (DLC), referred to below in note 17, is a fair copy by TJ of the final part of the Return relating to “Volunteers, draughts and substitutes.”

The date of these papers is uncertain but can certainly be confined to late 1776 or early 1777.

1In Capt. Jones’ company the name of Richardson Hamner is deleted.

2In Capt. Sims’ company the names of the following are struck out: Edward Broddie, Philip Bush, Thomas Barlow, John Calton, Bradley Dalton, James Grinning, John Smith, John Stockdon, Elijah Watts.

3In Capt. Wallace’s company the names of the following are struck out: William Cleaveland, David Henderson, James Isbell, William Pilson.

4In Capt. Davies’ company the names of the following are struck out: William Ballard, M. Lewis Benge, James Dunn, William Keaton “(son of John),” Sabert King, Joseph Mills, Joseph Watson.

5In Capt. Harris’ company the names of the following are struck out: David Clarke, Joel Harris, Thomas Jones, “Daniel Maupin (son of Gabriel),” David Maupin.

6In Capt. Dalton’s company the names of the following are struck out: “William Ballard (son of Bland),” Micajah Consolver, John Carver, Samuel Dalton, Henry Fowler, Samuel Fowler, David Herring, Augustine Smith, David Wood.

7In Capt. Jones’ company the names of the following are struck out: Charles Denton, John Langford.

8In Capt. Smith’s company the names of Presley Dollins and Robert Ware are struck out.

9In Capt. Martin’s company the names of George Maxwell and Joshua Moran are struck out.

10In Capt. Wingfeild’s company the following name is struck out: “John Grier over age.”

11In Capt. Lewis’ company the names of the following are struck out: Zachariah Defoe, Achilles Denton, Laurence Ferguson, Richard Hill, “John Sutton junr.”

12In Capt. Sims’ company the names of the following are struck out: Richard Goolsby, Chesley Kinney, Richard Moon, Littlebury Moon, Richard Wood, William Battersby Watkins.

13The list of this company is not in TJ’s hand.

14In Capt. Wheeler’s company the names of the following are struck out: Philip Gooch, Horsely Goodman, Laurence Shifflet, Waddy Thompson, Tarlton Woodson, Michael Wallace, Samuel Bunch.

15In Lt. Medlins’ company the name of George Taylor is struck out.

16In Capt. Henderson’s company the names of Francis Gaines, William Reynolds, and John Sneade are struck out.

17The second tabular MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 6: 1063), mentioned in the descriptive note above, is used as the text of this document from this point on. It is actually a fair copy of the final portion of the MS which has provided the text up to this point. The earlier MS (or draft) has, however, some comments not in the fair copy, such as “John McDaniel, send letter to Dan. Ferguson,” “Lewis Jones said to be unfit,” “Sabert King, lives with Henry Austin,” “John Carver, stays with Alexr. McCulloch,” &c. The name “Benge” is spelled “Bang” in the draft.

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