III. Jefferson’s Outline of Argument in Support of His Resolutions, 11 October–9 December 1776
III. Jefferson’s Outline of Argument
in Support of His Resolutions
Befre. ent. on Propr. Redress—see wt. is Injury—ye sta. Religs. Lib. Apostacy. act. 1705.c.6.
1st | offce. | disabld. to hold office. |
2d. | disabled to sue, incapb. of gift or legacy | |
3 | 3 three years imprismt. however conscients. ye Conversion. |
Heresy. <1.El.c.1.> Heretico combura.
State hs. adoptd. Athanasn. creed.
Arians therefore Heretics
eithr. Civl. or Eccles. judge in burn 1.H.P.c.405.
2. Arians burnt in El. & Jac. Socinians.
Sacramt. 1.E.6.c.1.
to deprave it, imprismt. & fine ad libitum
Commn. Prayr. 1.El.c.2.
(a) derogate frm. it—or attend any other Commd. to prison tll. Conform if nt. Confrm. in 3 Months, abjure.
act of ass. addnal. 5/ except on dissentrs.
wch. is deragn
Athanasn. creed.
xxxix Articles
11th. Faith—Works.
13. Works sinfl. befre. grace & Inspirn.
17. Predestination.
18. No name cn. save bt. Christ.
Obj. Insultg. & Revilg. offensve. to good men
ans. so evy. oth transgrn. divne. commd. is yt. sfft. to justify coercn.
Revilrs. wll. be contemd.—Ministers if Punish, people wll. Pity.
cool reasg. refutn. compsn. bst. arms fr. Revilrs. to tke.
refge. in Fi & Imprmt. seems hd. n. bettr. suppt.
Tenets & Formulars. plannd. by Clergy, yo. stabld. by civl. hist. Synods, convocns, councils—
intrig. Cabls. animos. anathem.
smll. Majorts.—
cross in baptm. carrd. by 1. in Convocn. El.
Obj. shll. w. lve. mn. propagte. wt. opns. please?
ans. Truth cnt. suffr. by fre. Enquiry—only w. propag.
Free enquiry enemy only to Error
if m. forbd. free Argum’—Mahomsm.
prevnt. Reformn.
(b) No attendg. Chch. whre. Com. Prayr.
23.El.c.1. 28.El.c.6. 35.El.c.1. 3.Jac.1.c.4.
20£ a month—or ⅔ of lands:
10.£ a month for keepg. a person wh. ds. nt. or Imprismt & Abjurn.
(d) Attending Conventicles
same punmts.
Free govmt. forgets own princ. whn. becmes. intolrt.
4. Popery.
5. Profaneness. 3.Jac.1.c.21.
jestingly speakg. name of God, Christ, Ghost, Trinty. £10. for every offence.
6. Contribn.
is it just?
yse. peop. p. dble. Contribns.
ys. is Persecn. in degree
is it Geners. in Clerg. hire whre. nevr. labord.
Gent. wll. b. surprizd. at detl. yse persecutg. stat.
mos. men imagne. persecn. unknn. t. our ls.
legl. sta. Relign. little undstd.
ye. persecn. gos. nt. t. death bt. in 1. case—Fi. Impr.
happly. ye. Spirt. of times in favr. of rts. of Conscce.
if just sch. rts. possd. in Xtnt. wch. lenity of ti. allows just shd. b. fxd by law.
at ys. ti. of reformn. no laws incompble. left unrepd.
Lt. gent. wh hapn. of Relign. of sta. mke. ca. of oth. yr. own
wt. wd. b. yr. Sensns. if n. Secty. civl. rts. bt. Modern. of ti.
wd. b. uneasy till fxd. on legal basis.
Rts. of Conscce mch. mo. tendr.
Obj. yse. acts only interrorm.
Ans. acts in terrm. nt. justfble.—m. presme. wll. b. xd.
leave evy. one at mercy of Bigot.
evy. one shd. kn. undr. wt. law lives
shd. nt. b. oblgd. recr. to Spirt. of ti. fr. protctn.
ys. is nt. Secure govmt.—bt. at mercy of events
Spirt. ti. m. altr.—single Zealt. m. undtke. refrm.
bad complmt. to law. yt. peop. discrn. iniqty. … nt. xte. it
former attempts at tolern. how have succeeded
Presbyterian wd. open just wide enough for hms.
others wd. open it to infidelity, bt. keep out fanaticism
True mode only for all to concur, & throw open to all.
ye. prest. chch. too strong for any 1 sect, bt. too weak agt. all.1
Hs. State Right to adopt an Opn. in mattr. Relign.
whn. mu. ent. Socty. Surrendr. litt. as posble.
Civl. rts. all yt. r. nec. to Civl. govmt.
Religs. rts. nt. nec. surrd.
Indivd. cnt. surrdr.—answble. to God
If is unalienable right, […] is Religs.
God reqres. evy. act acdg. to Belief
yt. Belf. foundd. on Evdce. offd. to his mind.
as yngs. appr. to hims. nt. to anoth.
Obj. oth. mens Undstgs. better.
Ans. hs. own Undstg., wh. mo. or less. judics. only faclty. god
True line betw. Opn. or tendcy. of opn.—… Overt act.
humn. 1. nothg. t. d. wth. Opn. or tendcy.—only Overt acts.
if magistr. restrn. prins. bec. of tendcy. … h. judge yn. Relign. no longer free.
Coercn.exercd. by fallible men.
Obj. Belief of Future State necess.
Ans. Jewish theocrcy.
God dd. nt. revl. in Bible.
<Obj. Religion will decline if not supported
Ans. Gates of Hell shall not prevail…>1
Is a Relign. of State <Use> Expedt.
Purpose mst. be Uniformty.
(a) Is Uniformty. desirble?
if evr. cd. b. obtd. wd. be b. suffoctg. free enqry.
all imprvmts. in Relign. or Philos. hve. bn. frm. settg. up privte. jdmt. agt. Public—ventrg. dept. Uniformty.
Monksh. imposns.—ignorce.—darknss. suppd. on ruins Enqry.
Glorious Reformn. effect of shakg. off Pub. opn.
Mahomsm. supprtd. by stiflg. free enqry.
Philos. reformd by free enq.
Galileo. Newton
Unifmty. no. mo. nec. in Relign. yn. Philos.
no consqce. if Newtonn. or. Cartesn.
Overt acts all yt. nec.
Diffce. in Religs. opn. supplies place Censor Morum
Teachrs. evy. sect inculcte. sa. mor. princ. wh. yn. gve. peculr. priv. to any?
(b) Is Unifmty. Attainable?
by Inquisn.
by lessr. Punmts.—Burng heretic—Fine. Impr. Abjurn.
Constrt. m. prodce. Hippocr.—nt. prevt. sentimt.
Coercn. mst. b. xrcd. by fallib. men—abusd.
Experce. hs. provd. Unattnb.
Millns. burnt—tortd.—find.—imprisd. yet men differ.
in Romn. Cath. countr. most infidelty.
If Relign. of sta. mst b. stabld. Is ours right?
Zealot wll. ans. yes.
1/10,000 of men of our Relign.
Obj. all states have establmt.
Ans. then all religions have been established2
<Ans> hve Govng. pwrs. of earth shewn Infallibilty. by this?3
nevr. pretendd. to it till Xty.
Exam. effects since yt.
hs. God stampd. us wth. mark
r. w. whiter—handsmr.—athletc.—wisr.
if n. sch. Ear-mark whence ys. Confidence?
ans. Reason.
true evy. mn’s Reasn. judge fr. hms. Presbn. fr.
Presbn.—Episcn. for Episcn.
bt. wh. m. reasn. step int. jdmt. seat of yours?
Advantags. to Relign. to put all on footg.
Strengthn. Church.
oblige it’s ministers to be Industrs. Exemplary
Northern clergy
wh. depdce. or Indepdce. mst. likely to mke. industrs. Lawyers—Physicns.
Xty. florshd. 300. y. witht. establmt.
soon as establd. declind. frm. Purity
betrays wnt. confdce. in doctrnes. of chch. to suspct. yt. reasn. or intrinsck. xcllce. insfft. wtht. seculr. prop.
Gates of hell shall never prevail2
Attach People
20,000 beyd. & adjg. Blue ridge.
55,000 in all.
ceding wll. attach.
Obj. Fixd. Contribn.
inequalty. of Parishes
no. of dissentrs. difft. in difft. parishs.
Contribn. wll. nt. supprt. Preachrs. in some Chch. min. in other
Contribn. of sme. yn. wll. be lost or givn. agt. Conscce.
Decln. of rts. is freedm. of Religion
force mn. to contribte. wn. n. teachr. of sect to recve. is t. force to supprt. heresy
Quakrs. give no Contribns.
Discorge. fornrs.
N. Engld.
N (DLC). A four-page document written in a long, narrow column. The italicized words (except those in angle brackets) represent words and phrases written by TJ in a hand resembling print. This special hand varies greatly in size and form, so that his several degrees of emphasis can only be approximated in our text.
For the place of this document in TJ’s campaign to effect disestablishment, see the general Editorial Note at the beginning of this sequence of documents.
1. This passage inserted in a different ink.
2. This line inserted in a different ink.
3. Two preceding words inserted in a different ink.