From Thomas Jefferson to St. George Tucker, 10 June 1775
To St. George Tucker
Wmsburgh June 10. 1774 [i.e., 1775]
Dear Sir
I am to acknoledge the receipt of your letter, and to scribble a line in answer, being just in the moment of setting out on my journey. The situation of your island is truly hard, and I should think deserves a relaxation of our terms if I may trust my first thoughts on the subject. I also think it probable it might be mutually beneficial to us. Should I continue of that opinion I will certainly do any little offices in my power to bring it about. But I refer it to yourself whether there should not be some body with some kind of public authority as well to give information of facts, as to satisfy the Congress that the inhabitants of Bermuda will enter into such engagements as may secure them against any infraction of the American Association. I have time to add nothing more than that I am Dr. Sir Your friend & servt.,
Th: Jefferson
RC (ViWC). Addressed: “To Mr. Saint George Tucker.” Endorsed: “Original draught of a Letter to Peyton Randolph & Thomas Jefferson Esquires with the respective Answers of those Gentlemen. June 9th: 1775.” The probable explanation of the endorsement is that Tucker filed in one packet the following documents: (1) a draft of his letter to TJ of 8 June (preceding document), a copy of which was also sent to Peyton Randolph; (2) TJ’s reply of 10 June (the present document); (3) Randolph’s reply of 9 June. The letters to and from Randolph have not been found.
The error in the date is manifest from the fact that TJ is replying to Tucker’s letter of 8 June 1775, q.v. See also Tucker to TJ, 12 Aug. 1775.