To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Mann Randolph, 10 May 1771
From Thomas Mann Randolph
Lortons May 10. 1771
Dear Sir
I omitted giving the Treasurer my Bond for things purchas’d at the Palace Amount £8:18:6. Indeed it ought to have been Cash, but as I hope it will make little difference I shall take it as a favor if you would do it for me, and this shall indemnify you. I am Your hum Servt,
Thomas M. Randolph
RC (NjP). Addressed: “To Thomas Jefferson Esqr in Williamsburg. Favr. Mr Barrett.” Endorsed: “T. M. Randolph” (not in TJ’s hand). The cover bears arithmetical calculations by TJ and also a brief, undated message: “C[arter] H[enry] Harrison compls. Mr. Jefferson and begs he will call on Walt: Lenox for a pr. Curles for his Aunt.”
Lortons was perhaps a lodging house, but the initial letter is uncertain in the MS, and the place has not been identified.