John Jay Papers

From John Jay to Foxes & Sons, 28 January 1819

To Foxes & Sons

Bedford. Wt.Chester County—State of NYork—28 Jany 1819


On the 9th. Inst. I recd. your Letter of the 3d. of Novr last,1 informing me of the Death of Mr. Robert Were Fox, the American Consul, and requesting me to recommend the appointment of his Son, ^whom you represent as well qualified,^ to succeed him, whom you represent as well qualified for it.

On the 11th. Inst. I ^wrote^ communicated this to the Secretary of State,2 the Information containd in your Letter, with some observations which the occasion naturally suggested; and with this among others— that it appeared to me desireable, that the merit of a Father should on all suitable occasions be made advantageous to his Son, provided it can be done with Propriety. .

I have since recd. a Duplicate of your Letter— and I shall send a Duplicate of this, that the appearance of neglect which wd. arise from your not recieving any answer from me, may be the better obviated— With the best Wishes for your Health & Prosperity I am, Gentln. your obt. Servt.

Messrs. Foxes & Sons Falmouth E England—

Dft, NNC (EJ: 08759). Endorsed: “To Messrs. Foxes & Sons / 28 Jany 1819 / in anr to—3 Novr. 1818—”.

2See JJ to JQA, 11 Jan. 1819, above.

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