John Jay Papers

From John Jay to Matthew Clarkson, 14 June 1798

To Matthew Clarkson

Albany 14 June 1798


I was this morning favd. with yours of no date1 in which as Chairman of the Committees lately appointed by the Citizens of New York you communicate to me their request that the Legislature of the State be speedily convened.

There certainly is much weight in the reasons you assign for this request, and I am persuaded that it originates in the best motives— The policy of keeping our City & Port in a constant and respectable state of defence is obvious, and that their present exposed and defenceless situation affords just cause of alarm is in my opinion equally evident.

It is to be regretted that this subject has not met with all the attention due to its importance— but Regrets can cast no light upon the present Question—which is—shall the Legislature be convened and this business again submitted to their consideration?

This question is not free from difficulties and much may be said for and against the expediency of the proposed measure— the wisdom of adopting or of declining it will as in most other doubtful cases, be probably judged of and decided by future events. I purpose to set out ^for N York^ early in the next week, and until my arrival there shall postpone forming a conclusive opinion on the subject. The Secy. at War2 will by that time have visited New York and the measures of the Genl. Government as to fortifying the Port cannot long remain undecided or unknown— Besides if the Fortifications must be suspended until aid be furnished by the Legislature, the best of the season proper for such work will be lost— if means can be provided to keep the work going on until the season is over, the expence and inconvenience of a special session may be avoided—3 On these points I wish to obtain more perfect information than I at present possess. I have the Honor to be Sir Your most obt. Sert.

Majr. Genl. Clarkson.

LbkC, N: Governor’s Lbk. 1 (EJ: 03160). C, incomplete, written on the bottom of an undated copy of Clarkson to JJ, 10 June, NNC (EJ: 09841).

2James McHenry.

3JJ called for a special session on 2 July 1798. See below.

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