John Jay Papers

From John Jay to Henry Brockholst Livingston, 26 February 1796

To Henry Brockholst Livingston

New York 26 Feby. 1796


I was this morning favd. with your’s of the 21 Inst:1 requesting me as one of the Commissioners of the Land Office to inform you, if you are not entitled to a Grant of Lands for your military Services?

Officially circumstanced as I am in Relation to the Legislature and to the Land Office, I doubt the propriety of my expressing any opinion on the merits of claims which as a ^if pursued I may as one of the^ Commissioners of that Board I may ^probably^ be officially called upon ^officially^ to consider and decide. I really think it would be adviseable for you to consult some distinguis But for this Consideration, I would with pleasure examine the Laws which respect your Case, and give you my opinion upon it— I have the Honor to be &c.

Col. H. B. Livingston

Dft, NNC (EJ: 09640).

1Letter not found.

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