John Jay Papers

To John Jay from Grenville, 16 June 1794

From Grenville

Dropmore June 16. 1794.


I have this Evening1 received your letter announcing your arrival in London on which I beg leave to congratulate you, and to express at the same time my best acknowledgments for the trouble you have taken with respect to the letters you were so good as to forward to me from Falmouth.2

I am very sorry that it will not be possible for me to have the honour of seeing you tomorrow, but if Wednesday morning at Eleven o’clock would suit you I shall be very happy at that time to receive you Sir & the other Gentlemen whom you mention to me in your letter, at my office in Downing Street. I have the honour to be with great respect Sir Your most dutiful & most obedient huble Servt


ALS, NNC (EJ: 08517); CS, UK-KeNA: FO 95/512 (EJ: 04973); LbkC, NNC: JJ Lbk. 8.

1The CS version reads “morning”.

2See JJ to Grenville, 8 and 15 June, above.

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