John Jay Papers

To John Jay from Samuel Provoost, [17 June 1786]

From Samuel Provoost

Saturday afternoon. [New York, 17 June 1786]

Mr Provost presents his most respectful Compliments to Mr Jay and informs him that the Revd Mr Moore (upon the facts being stated to him) has rectified the defective Article in the Resolves of the late Convention—If Mr Jay should have leisure Mr P. will still be happy to see him this Evening in order to take his advice upon some Articles of consequence to the Church which will probably be agitated in Philadelphia.—1

AL, NNC (EJ: 7059). Addressed: “The Hon. John Jay Esqr”. Endorsed: “Dr. Provoost / 1786”.

1The articles referred to concerned points of theology and practice which differed between the American and English churches. See the Protestant Episcopal Church Convention Proceedings and letter of 25 and 26 June, both below; and the editorial note “John Jay and the Founding of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America,” above.

Index Entries