John Jay Papers

To John Jay from Philip Schuyler, 21 February 1785

From Philip Schuyler

Albany February 21st 1785

Dear Sir

I had the pleasure of your favor of the 28th January by the post who arrived here on tuesday last.1

The attention to be paid Mrs. Schuyler who has been confined to her bed since the 10th Instant has prevented a more early answer.

In the inclosed plans I have not marked the windows or chimneys as they come Of Course, you will percieve that I have supposed your lott descends so much towards the rear as to have a fall of nearly three feet, at 25 feet from the front, and hence It appeared to me the most Eligible that Your passage from the first floor ^into your back Yard^ should be by the Gangway, besides If a passage had gone quite to the rear of the house, your back rooms could not have been large—perhaps the rooms might be better disposed of If the front door was not placed in the center of the house. I will draw a plan of that kind and transmit It you by the first Conveyance

The beams of your house will come cheapest from Jersey as the freight of such long pieces is very high. All the other scanting may be got from hence and delivered at new York for the same price as Inch planks That is ^If^ a board of one thick 10 Inches board which is what we suppose they will work, a [illegible] of 3 Inches by 4 will cost as much and one of 4 by 6 twice as much. If this is cheaper than It can be got from Jersey I will procure It for you If you send me the bill. Observe that all our scanting is pitch pine and fourteen feet long, unless a greater length is required in which case particular orders are given to cut the timber accordingly. I fear It will be too late to procure longer timber as the Sleding will probably cease before I can have your Answer—However It is possible that I may procure It longer than 14 feet If necessary—The winter is so far advanced that I shall not venture down by land, but hope to pay you a visit in spring. present my best wishes & Compliments to Mrs. Jay I am Dear Sir very Sincerely Your obedt Servant

Ph: Schuyler

Hone John Jay Esqr

ALS, NNC (EJ: 7125). Endorsed.

1Letter not found.

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