Enclosure: [Account with Le Guen], April 1800
April 1800.
Compte a Monrs Burr Pour Onoraire jusqua Ce jour | $2500.5 |
Plus fait Compte de Son ordre a Mr. Green | 250.6 |
Compte D’Interet | |
Sur Dollars 11200 ce que jai avancée En trois | |
Sommes differentes7 et divers Epoques depuis Le | |
Mois de Juillet et Aout 1798 au 15 avril 1799 | |
Pour 8 mois a raison de 7⅌% | 522.66/100 |
Interet d’un An Sur Cette de 13200 dollars8 | 924. |
Dollars | 4196.66/1009 |
4. AD, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
5. In , 172, this figure is “2900.”
On June 2, 1798, Burr signed a receipt which reads: “Recd N. York 2 June 1798 of Mr. Le Guen Two thousand five hundred dollars as follows viz. four hundred & ninety paid for me to Baumard—Twelve hundred & sixty paid for me to Rozier—Three hundred dolls in Cash in December and the farther sum of four hundred and forty dollars this Day—being in full for my services in his Controversies with Gouverneur and Kemble” (ADS, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California). Jean Antoine Bernard Rozier was the former French vice consul at New York. For the payment to Baumard, see Burr to Le Guen, December 25, 1797 (ALS, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California). See also “Aaron Burr’s Account with Louis Le Guen,” December 18, 1800 (AD, in Le Guen’s handwriting, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California).
6. In , 172, this figure is “290.”
In Burr’s account with Le Guen, December 18, 1800, this item appears as “une traite Sur france qui a Etté aquitée” (AD, in Le Guen’s handwriting, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California).
7. Le Guen made two loans to Burr on August 1, 1798. The first was for two thousand dollars, and the second was for eight thousand dollars. On December 17, 1798, he made a third loan to Burr for twelve hundred dollars (“Aaron Burr’s Account with Louis Le Guen,” December 18, 1800 [AD, in Le Guen’s handwriting, The Huntington Library, San Marino California]). For information on the loan of eight thousand dollars, see H to Ezra L’Hommedieu, April 4, 1799, note 1.
8. This sum represents the total of three loans from Le Guen to Burr. These loans included the loans of two thousand dollars and twelve hundred dollars mentioned in note 7 and a loan of ten thousand dollars agreed to in April, 1799 (“Aaron Burr’s Account with Louis Le Guen,” December 18, 1800 [AD, in Le Guen’s handwriting, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California]). For information on the loan of ten thousand dollars, see H to L’Hommedieu, April 4, 1799, note 1.
9. In , 172, this figure is “4636.66.”