From Alexander Hamilton to Rufus King, 18 April 1796
To Rufus King1
New York April 18. 1796
Dear Sir
I thank you for your letter received to day.2 Our Merchants here are not less alarmed than those of Philadelphia & will do all they can.3 All the insurance people meet to day. The Merchants & Traders will meet tomorrow or the next day. A Petition will be prepared & circulated among the other citizens.
I regret that a certain communication was not made.4 Indeed I think the Executive will be hereafter blamed for keeping back the fact in so critical a posture of things.
Yrs. truly
A Hamilton
Rufus King Esq
ALS, New-York Historical Society, New York City.
1. For background to this letter, see the introductory note to H to George Washington, March 7, 1796. See also H to King, April 15, 1796; King to H, April 17–18, 1796.
2. Although it might be assumed that H was acknowledging King to H, April 17–18, 1796, this is not the case, for H acknowledged the receipt of that letter in H to King, April 20, 1796. The letter which H is acknowledging in the letter printed above has not been found.
3. See H to King, April 15, 1796.
4. See H to King, April 15, 1796.