Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Otho H. Williams, 7 November 1793

To Otho H. Williams

Treasury Department November 7th 1793


Mr Delaporte1 of Baltimore has communicated to me, that about Twelve months ago, he received some Furniture and wearing apparel belonging to Mr. Gimat,2 late Governor of St Lucia; upon the entry of which at the Custom house, he gave his Bond, with condition to be cancelled, in case Mr Gimat should arrive within a Twelve month, and take the oath of his intended residence in the United States, as required by law.

As the time is said to be nearly expired, and Mr Gimat is still expected, I would request that proceedings upon the Bond may be suspended till further information shall be received on the subject; [unless there are circumstances not known to me which induce you to think a contrary course requisite.]3

I am Sir with consideration   Your obedient Servant

Alex Hamilton

Otho H. Williams Esqr
Collector Baltimore

LS, Columbia University Libraries.

1Frederick Delaport was a Baltimore merchant.

2Jean Joseph Sourbader de Gimat had served as an aide to Lafayette during the American Revolution and as a lieutenant colonel in command of a regiment of riflemen. On May 18, 1792, he had written to George Washington from St. Lucia and announced that he planned to move to Maryland (ALS, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress).

3The bracketed material is in H’s handwriting.

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