Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [22] May 1793

To George Washington

Treasury Depart: May [22] 1793.1

The Secretary of The Treasury has the honor to transmit to The President of the U: States a communication of the 18 of April, from the Commissioner of the Revenue,2 & respectfully submits it as his opinion that the public service will be promoted by the acceptance of the resignation offered, and the appointment of the person recommended as a substitute.

With regard to what concerns the Lighthouse at Montock Point,3 measures are taking towards a comparison of what has been done in other cases, to enable the President to take a collective view of the business.

A: Hamilton.

LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.

1Although this letter is dated May 23 in the George Washington letter books, an entry in JPP description begins “Journal of the Proceedings of the President,” George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. description ends for May 22, 1793, reads as follows: “The Secretary of the Treasury sent me a letter from the Commissioner of the Revenue, dated 18th of April enclosing the Commission of Samuel Tredwell who had been Appointed Inspector of the Revenue in Survey No. 2 in No. Carolina and mentioning that Hardy Murfree had been recommended to fill his place. The Secy being asked why this letter of the 18th of April had not been laid before the President sooner; observed, that from the multiplicity of important business in which he had been lately engaged, it had escaped his memory & lain ’till this time; but, however, that no evil could result therefrom” (JPP description begins “Journal of the Proceedings of the President,” George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. description ends , 125). Washington signed Murfree’s commission on May 23 (JPP description begins “Journal of the Proceedings of the President,” George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. description ends , 125).

2Letter from Tench Coxe not found.

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