Alexander Hamilton Papers

Report on the Salaries, Fees, and Emoluments of Persons Holding Civil Office Under the United States, [26 February 1793]

Report on the Salaries, Fees, and Emoluments
of Persons Holding Civil Office
Under the United States

[Philadelphia, February 26, 1793
Communicated on February 27, 1793]1

[To the President of the Senate]

The Secretary of the Treasury, in obedience to the order of the Senate of the 7th of May last,2 respectfully transmits herewith sundry statements of the Salaries fees and Emoluments for one Year ending the first of October 1792, of the Persons holding civil offices or employments under the united States (except the Judges) as far as Returns have been rendered—together with the disbursements and Expences in the discharge of their respective offices and employments for the same Period.3

No I. relating to the Department of State
No. II Treasury Department.
A Office of the Secretary of the Treasury
B Ditto Comptroller
C Ditto Commissioner of the Revenue
D Ditto Auditor
E Ditto Register
F Ditto Treasurer
No III Department of war
No IV Board of Commissioners
No V Mint Establishment
No VI Office of the Secretary of the Senate
No VII Ditto Clerk of the House of Representatives
No VIII Letter from the Governor of the Territory Northwest of the Ohio
No IX Letter from the Attorney General
No X District Attornies
No XI Marshalls of the Districts
No XII Clerks of the District Courts
No XIII Offices of the Commissioners of Loans
No XIV Collectors of the Customs
Naval officers
Cutter Establishment
Inspectors, Gaugers, weighers, measurers and Boatmen employed by the Collectors
No XV Supervisors of the Revenue
No XVI Inspectors of the Revenue for Surveys
No XVII Superintendents of Lighthouses
No XVIII Keepers of Lighthouses

The Statements numbered from I to IX inclusively, and the letters relating to the object, are transmitted in their original state, as rendered by the several officers.

No. X to XVIII inclusively are stated under each particular head, from the accounts which have been received from the offices to which they respectively relate.

No 19 is a List, specifying the Persons of whom no information has yet been received on the subject.

All which is humbly submitted

Alexander Hamilton
Secy of the Treasury

DS, RG 46, Second Congress, 1791–1793, Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury, National Archives.

1The communicating letter, dated February 27, 1793, may be found in RG 46, Second Congress, 1791–1793, Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury, National Archives.

2For the Senate order of May 7, 1792, see Tench Coxe to H, February 14, 1793, note 2.

3This enclosure, consisting of ninety manuscript pages, has not been printed. For an abbreviated version of it, see ASP description begins American State Papers, Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States (Washington, 1832–1861). description ends , Miscellaneous, I, 57–68.

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