Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States, 12 December 1792

To the President and Directors of the
Bank of the United States

Treasury Department
December 12. 1792.


I have to request that you will furnish Young and Dannacker, upon the principles heretofore agreed upon, with such a further sum of money, as, when added to the advances already made to them,1 will amount to ten thousand Dollars.

I have the honor to be,   Gentlemen, Your Obedt Servt.

Alexander Hamilton

The President and Directors
of the Bank of the U States.

LS, from the original in the New York State Library, Albany.

1See “Contract with George Dannacker and William Young,” October 22, 1792; H to the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States, November 28, December 3, 1792.

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