Alexander Hamilton Papers

Enclosure: [A Statement of the Accounts of Henry Knox], 24 November 1792

A Statement of the Accounts of Henry Knox, Esquire, Secretary at War, for the Years 1790, and 1791, as Adjusted at the Treasury of the United States, and Stated in Compliance with the Order of the House of Representatives of  4
January 1st. A balance remaining in his hands the 31st December 1789, as per accounts settled at the treasury No. 437,5 dated June 11th: 1790 15.517.47.
  Also a balance on an Appropriation of 20.000 dollars, for Indian treaties, by the Act of Congress of the 20th. August, 1789,6 as per Account settled at the treasury, No. 406,7 dated May 18th. 1790 3.476.39.
For the following sums received on account of sales of Indian
Goods, Viz:
From J Habersham, by W. Baldwin 350.  
 “ 18th. do 400.  
do 550.  
May 24. do No. 1756, dated Oct: 4th. 1792   470.50.
June 10th. For Warrant No. 508 in his favor 12.400.  
August 17th.   do 613 7.000.  
 “ 24th.   do 634 1 300.  
Febry: 4th.   do 868 dated October 4th. 1792 10.000.  
Dollars. 51.464.36.
June 30th. His several disbursements on account of the War department, from 1st. January 1790, to 30th. June 1791, Viz: Dollars Cents.
Contingencies of the War department, included in
  No. 17568 dated October 4th. 1792 1.192.21.
Contingencies of the War Office do do 1.234. 6.
Hospital Department do do 2.321.22.
Quarter Master’s Department, do do 8 685.68.
Ordnance department, do do 15.892. 8
Indian department, do do 14.462.89.
Surveyor’s department, do do 282.80.
Subsistence department do do 3 019.92.
This sum advanced John Meals on account of rations furnished the troops, and for which he is to be held accountable to the United States do do 500.  
This sum advanced to W: Sargent, for which Arthur St. Clair is to be held accountable do do 200.53.
Indian department, for amount of sundry deductions, made in the Auditor’s Office, which are admitted, Viz:
Voucher No. 77 in Col.
Willet’s account, for 30 shirts 40.
A draft of the Cornplanter on the Secretary at War for carriage of goods 100. do do 140.  
Amount of sundry expenses attending several journies of the Secretary at War, in the years 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1788, for the purpose of inspecting and arranging the stores in the arsenals and magazines of the United States do do 674.13
July, 21st. Disbursements for the Ordnance department do do 175.  
August 5th. Do for the contingencies of the War department do do 17.75.
Nov: 30th. Do. for the contingencies of War Office do do 245.31
Quarter Master’s department, balance due on the settlement of an Account for the purchase of Cartouch boxes, and transportation of clothing No. 30719 Octo: 11th. 116.40.
Amount of a Warrant, No. 83, in favor of Samuel Meredith, for the balance due from H: Knox, Esquire, agreeably to the reports above mentioned      2304.38.
Dollars, 51.464.36.

Treasury Department
Register’s Office, 29th. November 1792.

These are to certify that the foregoing statement agrees with the several settlements which have been made at the treasury, of the Accounts of the Secretary at War, and that the same are finally closed (by payment of the above balance) in the books of the United States.

Joseph Nourse, Register.

No. II.
The United States of America, for sundry Expenditures from the 10th. of September 1789, to the 1st. of March, 1790.
To Joseph Howell, junr,
Paymaster General, Dr.
Sept. 17th. No. 28, Lt. E. Beatty, paymaster 1st. U: S: regt. for one month’s pay to Surgeon’s mate, and one month’s pay to Ensign Sedam dollars, 65.  
29. Ditto, for three months pay to eleven discharged soldiers 132.  
19th. 30. Captain Joseph Savage, for one month’s pay for himself, Officers, non-commissioned Officers and privates of his Company of Artillery 243.  
Octo. 17th. 32. Capt. E: Beatty, paymaster, 1st. U: S: regt. for three months pay to 8 privates, lately discharged from said regiment 96.  
33. Capt. Joseph Savage, for two months pay of one Corporal and four privates of his Company 42.  
34. Ditto, for his subsistence, from April 1st. 1788, to September 1st. 1789 204.
for do. of Lt. M. Porter, from April 1st. 1788, to April 1st. 1789 96.
for do. of Lt. E: S: Fowle, from April 1st. 1788, to September 1st. 1789 136. 436.  
35. Capt. E: Beatty, paymaster 1st. U:S: regt. being for three months pay of said regiment, and two companies of Artillery serving in the western department. 11.629.  
36. Capt. E: Beatty, paymaster 1st. U: S: regt. for subsistence due the Field, Staff and commissioned Officers of the Infantry, from April 1st. 1788, to September 1st. 1789 6.296.  
37. Ditto, for due one Major, two Captains, and three Lieutenants from April 1st. 1788, to September 1st. 1789 1 156.  
38. Ditto, for forage due to the field, Staff, and Major Doughty, from do. to do. 1 315.54
39. Ditto, for forage due the field and Staff Officers, from July 1st. 1787, to April 1st. 1788 702.  
40. Ditto, being his expenses from 8th. February 1788, to 17th. May 1788, and from December 28th. to 21st. October 1789 398.  
Nov. 11th. 41. Capt. Henry Burbeck, being for subsistence due himself, Lieut. John Pierce, and Doctor Heyward, from 1st. April 1788, to September 1st. 1789; and for do. due to Lieut. Wm Moore, from 1st. May 1788, to September 1st. 1789 604.  
42. Contingent Account, for sundry expenses of Office, from October 5th. to November 9th. 1789, as per vouchers, 62.60.
43. William Price, D: C: Military Stores, for his subsistence from 1st. April 1788, to 1st. January 1789 72.  
44. Lieut. Moses Porter, for his subsistence for April, May, June, July and August 1789 40.  
45. Lieut. Colonel Henry Jackson for his pay, subsistence and forage due him from 1st. May to 15th. June 1787 141.  
Nov. 11th. No. 46. Capt. Henry Burbeck, being for one and a half months pay for himself, two Lieutenants, one Surgeon’s mate, three serjeants, two corporals, one musician, and thirty privates; also three months pay for one musician and three privates of his Company, which completes three full months pay to his whole Company, on account of pay due for 1789 450.  
47. Captain Henry Burbeck, being for three months pay due Wm Maloney, a private in Ensign Luse’s detachment at Westpoint 12.  
48. Captain Joseph Savage, being for two months pay for himself, two Lieutenants, two Serjeants, two Corporals, one musician and eight privates; Also one and a half month’s pay of one musician and fourteen privates of his Company 383.45.
49. Brigadier General Stark, for his pay, for January and February 1782 250.  
50. Lt. E: S: Fowle, for expenses incurred by him after deserters 13.  
51. Lt. Wm. Moore, for his extra-pay allowed him for doing the duty of Paymaster, for the post of West-Point and Springfield, from the 1st. July to September 30th. 1787 30.  
52. Captain John Smith, being for a half month’s pay for recruiting 147.  
53. Contingent Account for sundry Contingencies of Office, from November 6th. to 31st. December 1789 24.10.
Janry. 7th 54. Lt. John Pierce, for a half month’s pay to recruits raised for Capt. Burbeck’s Company, and Captain Savage’s, at West Point 60.  
55. William Hoch, a private in Major Doughty’s Company of Artillery, for one month’s pay on account 4.  
22 56.
Lt. John Mercer, being for a Warrant
drawn in his favor, the 5th. of March
1787, for half month’s pay to nineteen
recruits, and opposed to his pay in settlement
to the 1st. of Jan: 1787, for which
Ensign Luse has accounted to the public
in his settlement.
27th. 57. Capt. John Smith, on account of recruiting his Company 100.  
Feby. 1st. 58. Lieut. William Moore, for one month’s pay    26.  
is 24,967.87.
9th. 59. Captain A. Paulint, late of Hazen’s regiment, for subsistence for May 1786 12.  
18th. 61. Lieut: John Pierce, being to complete one month’s pay to a detachment of recruits at Westpoint 216.50.
Feby. 20th. No. 60. Lieut. John Pierce, on account of recruiting Capt. Burbeck’s Company 50.  
62. Major William North, for his pay and subsistence, of Captain and Inspector from May 1st. 1787, to June 25th. 1788; and also for the pay, subsistence and clothing of his servant, during the same time  1272.62.
Dollars, 26,518.99.

Auditor’s Office, March 9th. 1790.

Dr. { The United States of America, in Account Current; with Joseph Howell, jun. P: M: G: since the 10th. September 1789.
     on the present Government Cr.
To Amount of sundry payments since the 10th September 1789, per Abstract 26.518.99 By balance of an account settled with the United States, ending the 9th. September 1789 107.605. 7
Balance due the United States 105.263.62. Octo: 10th. By Sam: Meredith Esqr. Treasurer, for a Warrant on him, No. 79, for  24.177.54.
Dollars 131.782.61. Dollars 131.782.61.
Auditor’s Office, March 9th. 1790 Pay Office, New York, March 9th. 1790.
Joseph Howell: p:m: genl.

Treasury Department, Register’s Office, November 21st. 1792.

I certify that the above is a true Copy, the Original of which, with the Vouchers therein referred to, are filed on record in this Office.

Joseph Nourse, Register.

No. III.
Joseph Howell, acting paymaster General, in Account
  with the United States
To Balance of Account ending the 28th. February 1790, as settled at
  the Treasury, per Auditor’s report, No. 171,10 dated 9th. March
To Amount of the following Warrants in his favor on Samuel Meredith, Treasurer of the United States, Viz:
No. 269 2242.  
506 2500.  
612 811.  
658 8438.  
662 1906.20
714 500.  
733 3000.  
734 10.000.  
737 3000.  
739 10.926.  
775 15.000.  
785 5000.  
835 6000.  
877 5000.  
929 10.000.  
930 11.002.20.
935 10.000.  
949 15.000.  
982 10.000.  
1011 18.500.  
1031 22.500.  
1044 8000.  
1065 40.000.  
1081 20.000.  
1099 13.387.44
1104 32000.  
1167 7.500.  
1183 4.000.  
1220 7.000.  
1229 2554.59
1231 5.000.  
1240 5000.  
1246 8.296.53.
1500   1.500.  
To amount of Warrant, No. 2152, dated 12th. October 1792, being for monies received from the 20th. September 1791, to January 3d. 1792, from the Bank of North America, by virtue of letters of credit from the Secretary of the Treasury 156.595.56.
N:B: Six thousand dollars of this sum received by the acting paymaster General, the 3d. January 1792, is not included in his accounts, as the receipt thereof was subsequent to the period, to which they are rendered.
To this sum placed to his debit, on the books of the Treasury, for monies advanced to the following Officers, by John Habersham, Agent for supplying the troops in the State of Georgia, Viz
Captain John Smith 324.
—— Joseph Savage 25.
—— Henry Burbeck 310.
Dollars 588.082.14.
Joseph Howell, acting paymaster General, in Account with the United States—— Cr.
By Amount of his disbursements from March 9th. 1790, to 31st. December 1791, arranged under the following heads, Viz:
Pay of the troops and militia, including the subsistence and forage of Officers, and arrears of Clothing due to sundry persons Dollars 344.823.71.
From which deduct, as follows, Viz:
This sum repaid by Samuel Armstrong, late paymaster of the 8th. Massachusetts regiment being a balance of pay remaining in his hands on settlement of his accounts 256.40.
Ditto received of Oliver Beers, administrator to the estate of Isaac Hubbel, for the balance due on settlement of the accounts of the latter, as paymaster to the second regiment of Artillery 977.96.
Ditto refunded by George Porter, for so much overpaid him, in the balance of pay due to Edward Barnard deceased 10.  
Ditto repaid by Major J: P: Wyllis; being a balance in his hands, on the settlement of an Account, for the pay of troops under his command 752.60.
Ditto repaid by John Belli, paymaster to the Kentuckey militia, being the pay of sundry guides who had been previously paid 167.66
Ditto refunded by John Shryer, Assignee
to sundry soldiers, for so much paid
him on account of Thomas Jones, one of
his Assignors, who had been previously
This sum overcharged in Vouchers, No. 116 and 120 6.  
Ditto returned by William Findley, as pay due to sundry absentees of the Pennsylvania militia, being a part of dollars 5.139¹³⁄₁₀₀ received by him, for the pay of said Militia. 394. 9.
Ditto received of Major General Trescott, for the balance of his account, to the time of his resignation. 22.48
Amount of errors and overcharges, in the pay of sundry soldiers, per list  56.34.
By Contingencies of the pay Office 14.93
  Ditto of War Department 11.843.98
From which deduct this sum, being a balance due by
  Constant Freeman, on the settlement of his Account
  of Expenditures
By Quarter Master’s department 61.166.20.
  Indian do 32.379.78.
By Hospital Department 4984.23.
Deduct on error of addition in Doct. M: Scott’s account
  for medicines and attendance
By Surveying Department 1000.  
  Ordnance do 1455.29.
Deduct an Overcharge in Joseph Cranch’s account     80.  
By Bounties advanced for the recruiting service and premiums to Officers
  for inlisting men
Deduct this sum repaid by Lieut. Matthew Ernest, being
  the balance of his recruiting account
By Subsistence 24.917.32½
By Arrears of pay and subsistence due to sundry Officers and
  privates of the late Army in the years 1782, and 1783
By the following sums advanced to the undernamed persons, pursuant to instructions received from the Secretary of the Treasury, Viz:
John Hopkins, Loan Officer for the State of Virginia,
  to discharge the arrears of pay and subsistence, due
  to the Officers and privates of the late line of said State
William Skinner, Loan Officer for the State of North
  Carolina, to discharge the arrears of pay due to the
  non-commissioned Officers and privates of the late
  line of said State
17.320.66 39.534.17.
By this sum charged to him for monies advanced the following Officers, by John Habersham, agent for supplying the troops in the State of Georgia, for which he is now entitled to credit, the Officers being respectively held accountable therefor, in the books of the Pay Offic, Viz
Captain John Smith 324.
———— Joseph Savage   25.
By this sum placed to his credit on the books of the Treasury,
  being so much accounted for by Captain Henry Burbeck, agreeably
  to the Auditor’s report, No. 2929
By Balance due to the United States, 31st. Dec: 1791 41.227.14½

The foregoing is the Copy of a Statement just completed in this Office, although it has not yet been reported on by me to the Comptroller of the Treasury:11 I believe it to be correct, and now forward it for the information required by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 13th. instant.

It may be proper to observe, that the credits comprised under the different heads, have been collected and arranged from the Accounts and Vouchers of Mr. Howell, and that they are composed, in part, of advances made to persons, who had not accounted for the application, at the time, to which Statement extends.

R: Harrison, Auditor.

4Space left blank in MS. See note 2.

5D, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

6“An Act providing for the Expenses which may attend Negotiations or Treaties with the Indian Tribes, and the appointment of Commissioners for managing the same” (1 Stat. description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America (Boston, 1845). description ends 54).

7D, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

8D, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

9D, RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, 1790–1894, Account No. 3071, National Archives.

10This report is among the accounts dated before September 6, 1790, which are missing from the records in RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, 1790–1894, National Archives.

11The information in Section III of this report may be found in RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, 1790–1894, Account No. 4713, National Archives. The account was not released by the auditor’s office until December 20, 1793, and was not approved in the comptroller’s office until September 27, 1794.

Index Entries