Alexander Hamilton Papers

Enclosure C: Estimate of the Expenses of the War-Department for the Year 1793, 8 November 1792

Estimate of the Expenses of the War-department, for the Year 1793
The Legion of the United States.
General Staff.
1 Major General at 166. dollars, per month 1 992.  
4 Brigadier Generals 104. 4 992.  
1 Major Commandant of Artillery 55 660.  
1 Major of Dragoons 55 dollars, per month 660.  
1 Quarter Master General 100. 1 200.  
1 Paymaster at Head Quarters 60. 720.  
1 Adjutant General to do the duty as Inspector, 75. 900.  
1 Chaplain 50. 600.  
1 Surgeon of the Staff 70. 840.  
1 Deputy Quarter Master 50. 600.  
2 Aids de Camp to the Major General in addition to their pay in the line 24. 576.  
4 do. 1 for each of the Brigadiers, in addition to their pay in the line 24. 1 152.  
4 Brigade Majors to act as Deputy Inspectors in addition to their pay in the line 24. 1 152.  
6 Surgeons-Mates for the Hospitals for the Western and Southern frontiers 30. 2 160.  
1 Principal Artificer 40. 480.  
1 Second Artificer 26. 312.  
The first Sub-Legion.
3 Majors 50. 1 800.  
1 Sublegionary paymaster 10. 120.  
1 Sublegionary Quarter Master 8. 96.  
3 Battalion Quarter Masters 8. 288.  
3 Adjutants 10. 360.  
1 Sublegionary Surgeon 45 540.  
3 Battalion Surgeon’s mates 30. 1 080.  
3 Sergeant Majors 7. 252.  
3 Quarter Master Sergeants 7. 252.  
2 988.  
One Company of Artillery.
1 Captain 40. 480.  
2 Lieutenants 26. 624.  
4 Sergeants 6. 288.  
4 Corporals 5. 240.  
10 Artificers 8. 960.  
40 Privates 3. 1 440.  
2 Musicians 4. 96.  
4 128.  
One Troop of Horse
1 Captain 40. 480.  
1 Lieutenant 26. 312.  
1 Cornet 20. 240.  
6 Sergeants 6. 432   
6 Corporals 5. 360.  
1 Farrier 8. 96   
1 Saddler 8. 96.  
1 Trumpeter 4. 48.  
65 Privates 3. 2 340.  
4 404.  
Eight Companies of Infantry.
8 Captains 40. 3 840.  
8 Lieutenants 26. 1 920.  
8 Ensigns 20. 1 920.  
48 Sergeants 6. 3 456.  
48 Corporals 5. 2 880.  
1 Senior Musician 6 72.  
15 Musicians 4 720.  
648 privates 3 23 328.  
Four Companies of Riflemen.
4 Captains 40. 1 920.  
4 Lieutenants 26 1 248.  
4 Ensigns 20 960.  
24 Sergeants 6 1 728.  
24 Corporals 5 1 440.  
4 Buglers 4 192.  
328 Privates 3. 11.808.  
Dollars,  71.328.  
Amount of Pay of the Legion of the United States.
General Staff 18.996.  
The first Sub-legion 71.328.  
The second Sub-legion, to the same amount 71.328.  
The third Sub legion do. 71.328.  
The fourth Sub legion do. 71.328.  
1 Major General at 15 rations per day 5 475    rations
4 Brigadier Generals 12 17.520.  
14 Majors 4 20.440.  
1 Adjutant 6. 2 190.  
1 Paymaster at Head Quarters 4 1 460.  
1 Quarter Master 6. 2 190   
1 Deputy Quarter Master 3. 1 095.  
1 Surgeon to the Staff 6. 2 190.  
4 Surgeons 3. 4 380.  
12 Surgeon’s mates 2 8 760.  
6 do. for Garrisons 2 4 380.  
1 principal Artificer 3. 1 095.  
1 Second Artificer 2. 730.  
56 Captains 3. 61 320.  
60 Lieutenants 2. 43 800.  
48 Ensigns 2. 35 040.  
4 Cornets 2.   2 920.  
214.985.   rations.
Or money in lieu thereof, at the option of the Officers at the contract price at the posts respectively where the rations shall become due.
240. Non commissioned and privates, Artillery.
320. do. do. Cavalry.
4560. do. do. Infantry.
5120, Men, at 1 ration per day
2.083.785    rations.
2.083.785 rations at 15 cents per rations, Dollars, 312.567.75.
1 Major General at 20 dollars per month 240.  
4 Brigadier Generals 16 768.  
13 Majors 10 1 560.  
1 Paymaster at Head Quarters 10 120.  
1 Adjutant General 12 144.  
1 Quarter Master General 12 144.  
1 Deputy Quarter Master General, 10 120.  
6 Aids de Camp 10 720.  
4 Brigade Majors 6 288.  
4 Adjutants 6 288.  
1 Surgeon to the Staff 12 144.  
4 Surgeons 10 480.  
12 Surgeons Mates 6. 864.  
6 do. for the Garrisons 6 432.  
4 Paymasters 6 288.  
12 Quarter Masters 6. 864.  
7 464.  
Cavalry, unprovided for in the Year 1792.
1 Major 10 120.  
4 Captains 10 480.  
4 Lieutenants 6. 288.  
4 Cornets 6. 288.  
1 176.  
For the Year 1793.
1 Major 10 120.  
4 Captains 10 480.  
4 Lieutenants 6 288.  
4 Cornets 6 288.  
320 Non commissioned and privates 6 25 040.  
240 non commissioned and privates, Artillery.
320, do. Cavalry.
4 560, do. Infantry.
480. Contingencies.
5.600 Suits, at 20 dollare per suit
112 000.  
Equipments For Cavalry.
Boots, Horseman’s Caps, and such articles, as may be lost or worn }
5 000.  
Horses For Cavalry.
To replace the horses which may die or become unfit for service, }
5 000.  
To complete the number in lieu of discharged soldiers, those rendered
unfit for duty, and deserters, conjectural, 500 soldiers, including
premium of 10 dollars each
5 000.  
Additional Bounty, for which no provision was made, but allowed by the Act passed March 5th. 1792.17
  952 non commissioned and privates in service, at 2 dollars 1904.  
4168. do. to be raised, being estimated in former estimate at dols.
8, including premium the Act of the 5th. March 1792,18 allowing
dols. 10, is for the difference, 2 dollars
Dollars, 15.240.  
Defensive Protection of the Frontiers.
Pay &c. of the Militia and Scouts, estimated at 50.000.  
Hospital Department.
For medicines, instruments, furniture and stores for the Hospital, for the garrisons and posts on the western and southern frontiers; also the pay and subsistence of a purveyor, assistants and nurses in the Hospitals, conjectural 25.000.  
Quarter-Master’s Department.
Pack horses and forage, tents, boats &c. also the transportation of the recruits, Ordnance and Military Stores, and all the articles of the Quarter Master’s department, the purchase of axes, camp kettles, pack-saddles, iron, fuel, board, nails, paint company books, stationery &c. Also the pay and subsistence of Artificers employed in the said department,—Conjectural, 100.000.  
Indian Department.
The expenses in this Department amount, in the year 1792, as per Accounts rendered, at dollars 44 207.98
Accounts allowed, which will be shortly stated 5 500.  
Provided for in the year 1792 25.000.  
Dollars, 24 707.98.
The surplus has been paid from the general Contingencies of the War Department.
The expenses of the year 1793 may probably amount to 50.000.  
N: B. It is impossible to foresee the events which may occasion expenses in this department, so as to reduce them to particulars. The sums of the present year in the accounts settled at the treasury, may serve to form some idea of the expenses for the year 1793.
Ordnance Department.
For the Salaries of the Storekeepers at the several Arsenals
Springfield Massachusetts
Fort Rensselaer and its dependencies New York
West Point ditto
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Carlisle ditto
Fort Pitt ditto
New London Virginia
Manchester ditto
Charleston South Carolina
One Assistant at Springfield
Two ditto at Westpoint
One Clerk of military Stores, Philadelphia
Dollars, 3 832.  
Philadelphia 666.66.
New London 350.  
Manchester 66.66
1 083.32.
Laborers at the Arsenals 400.  
Coopers, Armorers and Carpenters employed occasionally 600.  
10 Armorers at 10 dollars per month 1 200.  
2 Conductors of Military stores at 30 dollars per month 720.  
2 920.  
500 rifles purchased in 1792, and not included in former estimates 6 000.  
Repairing of Arms, equipments of Cannon, cartridge-boxes, swords, and every other article in this department,—Conjectural, 10.000.  
Dollars, 23.835.  
For the annual allowance to the invalids of the United States, from the 5th. day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety three, to the fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety four.
New Hampshire 3 810.68.
By the Circuit Court 409.12.
4 219.80.
Massachusetts 11.941.75.
By the Circuit Court 1 336.45.
Rhode Island 2 899.  
By the Circuit Court 196.  
Connecticut 7.682. 3.
By the Circuit Court 795.80 8.477.83.
Vermont . . . . . .
By the Circuit Court 510.64.
New York 15.972.66.
New Jersey 4.094.26.
By the Circuit Court 76.  
Pennsylvania 16.642.64
Delaware 1.884.  
Maryland 4 328.56.
Virginia 7.761.33.
North Carolina 886.  
Georgia 1.018.40.
Of the buildings occupied for the use of the War Office, and the Office of the Accountant of the War Department.
The amount of the lease for the term of four years, as per Indenture thereof with James Simmons 1.666.66.
Contingencies of the War Department.
For maps, hiring expresses, allowances to Officers for extra expenses, printing, loss of stores of all kinds, advertising and apprehending deserters &c.—Conjectural 50.000.  
N:B. It is to be observed, upon this article, as well as every other of this Statement, that for every cent expended in pursuance thereof vouchers must be produced at the Treasury, excepting, perhaps, the sums which may be expended for secret intelligence, where the names might be important to be concealed; but for the propriety of the small sums, which might be so expended, the reputation of the Commanding Officer is pledged to the public.
Pay of the Legion of the United States 304.308.  
Subsistence 312.567.75.
Forage 34.856.  
Clothing 112.00.  
Equipments for Cavalry 5.000.  
Horses for Cavalry 5 000.  
Bounty 15.240.  
Defensive protection of the frontiers by Militia 50.000.  
Hospital Department 25.000.  
Quarter Master’s Department 100.000.  
Indian Department 50.000.  
Ordnance Department 23.835.32.
Invalids 82.245.32.
Lease of the buildings occupied for the War Office &c. 1.666.66.
Contingencies of the War department 50.000.  
1.171.719. 5.

H. Knox,
Secretary of War.

I certify that the foregoing is a true Copy of the Original filed in this Office.

Joseph Nourse, Register.

The above Dollars, 1.171.719. 5.
Deduct for Invalids 82.245.32.
Leaves Dollars, 1.089.473.73.

17Section 5 of “An Act for making farther and more effectual Provision for the Protection of the Frontiers of the United States” (1 Stat. description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America (Boston, 1845). description ends 242).

18Section 6 of “An Act for making farther and more effectual Provision for the Protection of the Frontiers of the United States” (1 Stat. description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America (Boston, 1845). description ends 242).

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