Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Henry Knox, 29 October 1792

To Henry Knox

Treasury Department
October 29. 1792


Herewith you will find a Warrant for Thirty five thousand dollars for the use of the Quarter Master generals department.1 I request that you will direct it to be received in Bank post Notes, which for greater security had better be made out in the Name of the Quarter Master General. Experience shews that these Notes answer as well as specie, and Considerations of the Moment induce me to wish that there may be no transportation of Specie at this time from the seat of Government.

I have the honor to be   very respectfully, Sir   Yr. Obedient servant

Alexander Hamilton

The Secretary at War.

Copy, RG 94, Hodgdon and Pickering Papers, National Archives.

1This warrant was issued to James O’Hara, the quartermaster general, and was the largest issued to him during the second half of 1792 for various expenditures for the Indian Department and the Department of War (copy, RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, 1790–1894, Account No. 4461, National Archives).

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