Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 15 October 1792

From William Ellery

Colles Office [Newport, Rhode Island] Oct. 15 1792


This letter will be accompanied by a Statement of fees &c recd. and expenditures made by me from Oct. 1, 1791 to Oct. 1792. and by similar Statements from the Inspector &c &c in this District;1 by the quarterly return required exceptg a Return of distilled Spirits exported, and a return of Exports, and their value which will be transmitted by the next Post. I have not received the expected Letter from the Comptroller, and therefore have put on an account only of the expenditures on the Light House for the last quarter.2

I am, Sir,   Yr. most obedt. servt.

W Ellery Colle

A Hamilton Esqr Secry Treasury

LC, Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.

2See Ellery to H, July 16, August 20, 1792.

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