To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 15 October 1792
From William Ellery
Colles Office [Newport, Rhode Island] Oct. 15 1792
This letter will be accompanied by a Statement of fees &c recd. and expenditures made by me from Oct. 1, 1791 to Oct. 1792. and by similar Statements from the Inspector &c &c in this District;1 by the quarterly return required exceptg a Return of distilled Spirits exported, and a return of Exports, and their value which will be transmitted by the next Post. I have not received the expected Letter from the Comptroller, and therefore have put on an account only of the expenditures on the Light House for the last quarter.2
I am, Sir, Yr. most obedt. servt.
W Ellery Colle
A Hamilton Esqr Secry Treasury
LC, Newport Historical Society, Newport, Rhode Island.
1. See “Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the Customs,” August 31, 1792, and Ellery to H, September 24, 1792.
2. See Ellery to H, July 16, August 20, 1792.