Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Otho H. Williams, 13 October 1792

From Otho H. Williams

Baltimore, October 13, 1792. “Agreeable to your request, of the 8th of last month,1 I now enclose to you a list of the average freight usually paid from this port.2 The several rates of the respective articles usually exported from hence, have been ascertained by the Merchants who compose the insurance company, and whose information I deem the most to be relied on.…”

Df, RG 53, “Old Correspondence,” Baltimore Collector, National Archives.

2The list is called “Average rates of the Freight of Merchandize exported from the United States to foreign Countries in a time of peace” and is broken down under the following headings: “Description of Mdze or packages for containing them”; “To foreign America East & North of the United States”; “To foreign America So. of the U. States & the West Indies”; “To Europe & its Islands and africa on this side of Cape of G Hope”; “To the East Indies & North West Coast of America” (AD, RG 53, “Old Correspondence,” Baltimore Collector, National Archives).

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