To Alexander Hamilton from Henry Vandyke, 18 September 1792
From Henry Vandyke1
New Brunswick [New Jersey] September 18, 1792. “In consequence of your very obliging favor with which I was honoured in March last2 I have been anxiously expecting to hear from you the result of Mr Bensons3 Application in my favor. Your long silence Alarms my fears and I am apprehensive that all the exertions of my friend have proved unsuccessful. If so, I most devoutly pray the Lord to give me more patient submission under the repeated Strokes of Adversity.…”
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Vandyke was rector of Christ Episcopal Church in New Brunswick.
2. Letter not found.
3. Presumably Egbert Benson, a member of the House of Representatives from New York.