To Alexander Hamilton from Rufus King, 17 September 1792
From Rufus King
[New York] Sunday 17. Sep: 92
If the enemies of the Government are secret and united we shall lose Mr. Adams.1 Burr is industrious in his canvass and his object is well understood by our Antis. Mr. Edwards2 is to make interest for him in Connecticut, and Mr Dallas3 who is here, and quite in the Circle of the Governor4 & the Party, informs us that Mr. Burr will be supported as V. President in Pennsylvania. Should Jefferson & his friends unite in the project, the Votes for Mr. A. may be 10 reduced, that though more numerous than those for any other Person, he may decline the Office. Nothing which has hereto-fore happened so decisively proves the inveteracy of the Opposition. Should they succeed in degrading Mr. Adams, much would be to be apprehended in respect to the measures which have received the sanction of Government.
Yrs affectionately
R. King
Col. Hamilton
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. For H’s earlier fears that John Adams would not be reelected, see H to Adams, August 16, September 9, 1792.
2. Pierpont Edwards, Aaron Burr’s uncle, was a New Haven lawyer and a former member of the Connecticut legislature and the Continental Congress. He was one of his state’s most outspoken Antifederalists.
3. Alexander J. Dallas, a Philadelphia attorney, was secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
4. George Clinton was a candidate in the 1792 presidential election. The electoral college, meeting on December 5, 1792, cast one hundred and thirty-two votes for George Washington, seventy-seven for Adams, and fifty for Clinton.