From Alexander Hamilton to Isaac Gregory, 20 August 1792
To Isaac Gregory
Treasury Department, August 20, 1792. “Your letter of the 25th. ultimo,1 concerning a certain seizure made by you, has been received. If the Sloop Polly passed 24 hours within any harbour, inlet or creek of any Port in your Dictrict without reporting, the penalty, in the 16th Section of the Collection law will apply; otherwise, there will be no penalty for proceeding to an ‘interior District’.…”2
Copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National Archives.
1. Letter not found.
2. Section 16 of “An Act to provide more effectually for the collection of the duties imposed by law on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels” stated that the master of any vessel entering a port had to report the arrival of his vessel within twenty-four hours to the chief officer of the port ( 158 [August 4, 1790]).