Alexander Hamilton Papers

Enclosure A: [Statement of the Payments to be Made], 25 July 1792


[Philadelphia, July 25, 1792]


A Statement of the payments to be made by Messrs Willink, van Staphorst & Hubbard, and of the monies in their hands, on the 1st of February 1792.—

The account current of the said date States
a balance due to the united States of 2,500,220.  
On the last 3/m loan they received
1791 Decr 31 509,000  
1792 Jany 31 701.000  
remained to be received 1,790.000   1,790,000  
In the hands of the commissioners 4,290,220.  
Payments to be made
Draughts remaining unpaid for List B. 175,044.15
Jany 27 Draught No 541 favour Thos Jefferson 95,947.10
April 17 Draughts No 542 a 628 John Kean 500,000.  
June 30 Draughts No 630 Thos Jefferson 123.750   
July Draughts No 631 a 7159 &ca  John Kean  500,000   
1,394.742. 5
Interest to be paid
March 1st on 2½ million at 5 pCt 125,000.  
June 1st on 7 million do 350.000   
Septr 1st on 6 million do 300.000    2,169,742. 5—
Leaving the Sum not disposed of  2,120,477.15

John Meyer

Pe Clk

8D, William Short Papers, Library of Congress.

9A footnote at this point in the handwriting of John Meyer, a clerk in the Treasury Department, reads: “Some of these drafts remain yet to be drawn.”

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