From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Jefferson, 14 July 1792
To Thomas Jefferson
Philadelphia July 14th. 1792
There are two funds out of which the expense you mention1 may be defrayed, one a sum originally of 10,000 Dollars, placed under the disposition of the President to defray the Contingent charges of government2—another a sum of 5,000 Dollars appropriated at the last Session to satisfy demands liquidated and admitted at the Treasury for which there was no special appropriation.3 In this Case the accounts for the seals must be presented to the Treasury for settlement. Some arrangement in one way or other can and will be made, if you procure the seals.
I have the honor to be &c.
A. Hamilton
The Secretary of State
Copy, RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, 1790–1894, Account No. 3299, National Archives.
2. Section 3 of “An Act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety” reads as follows: “And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be authorized to draw from the treasury a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars, for the purpose of defraying the contingent charges of government, to be paid out of the monies arising as afore-said from the duties on imports and tonnage; and that he cause a regular statement and account of such expenditures to be laid before Congress at the end of the year” ( 105 [March 26, 1790]).
3. Section 1 of “An Act making certain appropriations therein specified” provided in part as follows: “That there be granted and appropriated … For the discharge of such demands against the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall have been ascertained and admitted, in due course of settlement at the treasury, and which are of a nature, according to the usage thereof, to require payment in specie, five thousand dollars” ( 284–85 [May 8, 1792]).