From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Walker, [6 July 1792]
To Benjamin Walker1
[Newark, New Jersey, July 6, 1792]
Dr. Walker
It is indispensable that an Ordinance should pass for the next election in October and it appears clearly that this cannot be done without the presence of Seven Directors. As five only are here, it is essential that two should come from New York. I beg you to do it without fail, so as to reach New Ark if possible by Eight tomorrow Morning. Without this another Meeting of the Directors for this single purpose will be unavoidable. You may be assured you will not be detained—Every thing will be prepared. I again entreat you not to fail. Bring Lewis2 with you. He is equally essential.3
Yrs. sincerely
A Hamilton
Benjamin Walker Esq
ALS, Harvard College Library.
1. Walker, a New York financier, was a director of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures.
2. George Lewis, a New York broker, was a director of the society.
3. On July 7 the directors of the society, including Lewis and Walker, met and adopted the following ordinance: “Be it Ordained by the Deputy Governor and Directors of the Society for establishing useful Manufactures, That the Election of Directors of the said Society on the first Monday in October next agreeably to Law of Incorporation, shall be held at the Court House in New Ark in the County of Essex, which Election Shall begin between the hours of twelve and two in the afternoon of the same day and may be continued by adjournment from day to day for three days counting the first day as one.… Be it Ordained by the authority afore-said That the said Election shall be by ballot …” ( 52–53).