Draft of a Resolution for the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, [5 July 1792]
Draft of a Resolution for
the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures1
[Newark, New Jersey, July 5, 1792]
That a Committee of three be appointed to receive proposals and conclude contracts for conveying the requisite water from the River to the seat of the Mills on the following plans severally
First to convey the Water across the Gully from 2 to by troughs or trunks [supported]3 by a wall
Secon[d] to convey the Water from the last mentioned point to the seat of the Mill so as to have at the Mill a head of feet.
Thirdly to convey the Water from to No. 14 in the Road by means of a dam across the Gully of sufficient height to deliver the Water at No. 14.
Fourthly to convey the Water from thence to the seat of the Mill with a head of feet.
5th to convey the Water from to No. 14 by means of a canal & a dam equal in height to the Bank of the canal at the point from which it issues into the Gully.
6 to convey the Water from thence to the Mill with a head of feet.
ADf, The Passaic County Historical Society, Lambert Castle, Paterson, New Jersey.
1. The directors of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures met at Newark, New Jersey, from July 3 to July 7, 1792. H was present at all the meetings except the one held on July 3. A committee, which had been “appointed for the purpose of fixing upon a proper place on the Waters of the Passaick for the Seat of the Factory, for fixing the Town of Paterson and making the necessary purchases of Land,” reported on July 4 ( 42). On the following day, the directors of the society passed a number of resolutions carrying out the suggestions of the committee.
No evidence has been found that this resolution by H was ever acted upon by the directors of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures. On July 5, 1792, however, it was “Resolved that this Board do immediately take measures to bring the Water from above the Great Falls across the Gap to Station No. 14” (
44).2. This space and subsequent spaces left blank in MS.
3. In MS, “supposed.”