From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [2 July 1792]
To George Washington
[Philadelphia, July 2, 1792]
Mr. Hamilton presents his respects to the President & has the honor to enclose the sketch of a letter to be written by Mr. Lear to Mr. Langdon.1
LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Woodbury Langdon, the brother of Senator John Langdon of New Hampshire, was a New Hampshire merchant and politician. In June, 1790, after he had served five years on the state superior court, he was impeached for neglect of duty by the lower house of the state legislature. The trial, however, was not held until January, 1791, and Langdon was allowed to resign. On December 24, 1790, he was appointed one of the commissioners for settling the accounts between the states and the United States.
On July 2, 1792, Tobias Lear, who was Washington’s secretary, wrote to Langdon stating the need for a final settlement of the accounts between the states and the United States and requesting that Langdon either resign or return to Philadelphia so that the settlement could “be pursued with diligence and perseverence” (LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress).