Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Marshall, [June 1792]

From Thomas Marshall1

[New York, June, 1792]


The Men, Women, and Children employ’d in the Above Mill (in the preparing and Spinning Departments) will be at least 150. And the Weight of Twist Spun will not fall short of 768 lbs of No 20’s pr. Week. When the Mill is Completed it will be Indispensibly Necessary to have in Constant Employ, A Clock Maker, a Turner, a Joiner, and a Smith and Striker. On the Onset the Number of Trademen must be proportionate to the Expedition which is wishd for in Completing the Works.2

AL, The Passaic County Historical Society, Lambert Castle, Paterson, New Jersey.

1H, on behalf of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, had appointed Marshall to superintend the society’s cotton mill. See H to the Directors of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, December 7, 1791, and Marshall to H, May 30, 1792.

2This letter was accompanied by estimates supplied by Marshall on the cost of erecting a cotton mill and of supplying that mill with machinery.

On May 18, 1792, at a meeting of the directors of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures at which H was present, it was resolved that “Mr. Marshall be directed to prepare as speedily as he can, machinery for a Mill of eight Drums for the use of the Cotton Manufacture” (“Minutes of the S.U.M.,” description begins MS minutes of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, City of Paterson, New Jersey, Plant Management Commission, Successors to the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures. description ends 38).

On July 5, 1792, at a meeting of the directors of the society which H attended, it was resolved “that a Cotton Mill of Eight Drums and that for the Building of the same and providing the requisite Machinery the sum of fifteen thousand Dollars be appropriated, which Cotton Mill shall be of the following description Vizt. 55 by 32 feet to be built of Stone …” (“Minutes of the S.U.M.,” description begins MS minutes of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, City of Paterson, New Jersey, Plant Management Commission, Successors to the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures. description ends 46).

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