Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Whipple, 30 June 1792

From Joseph Whipple

Portsmouth, New Hampshire, June 30, 1792. “I recd. by the post last evening your letter of the 21st instant.1 Soon after the receipt of your letter of the 4th of February last,2 I wrote you under date of the 28th of that Month and transmitted the Name of Benjamin Gunnison as a Suitable person in my opinion for first Mate of the Scammel.… I now beg leave to renew my nomination of Mr. Gunnison.…”

LC, RG 36, Collector of Customs at Portsmouth, Letters Sent, 1792–1793, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at Portsmouth, National Archives.

1Letter not found.

2Letter not found.

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