From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Jefferson, [26 June 1792]
To Thomas Jefferson
[Philadelphia, June 26, 1792]
Mr. Hamilton presents his respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson & requests to be favoured with a copy of his Report concerning the distillation of Fresh from Salt-Water.1
AL, Harvard College Library.
1. A joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of May 8, 1792, stipulated: “That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be provided, for the use of the several collectors in the United States, printed clearances, on the back whereof shall be a printed account of the methods, which have been found to answer for obtaining fresh, from salt water, and of constructing extempore stills, of such implements, as are generally on board of every vessel, with a recommendation, in all cases, where they shall have occasion to resort to this expedient for obtaining water, to publish the result of their trial in some gazette, on their return to the United States, or to communicate it for publication, to the office of the Secretary of State, in order that others may, by their success, be encouraged to make similar trials, and be benefited by any improvements or new ideas which may occur to them in practice” ( 286). The resolution accorded with a proposal made by Jefferson in his report of November 21, 1791, entitled “Plan for Converting Salt Water into Fresh” ( , Miscellaneous, I, 44–45).