Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from John P. Munford and Company, 21 June 1792

From John P. Mumford and Company1

New York, June 21, 1792. “Oliver Remington late of Jamestown on the Island of Conanicut, in the State of Rhode Island, was during the War, a Mate on board the Frigate Trumbull, James Nicholson Esqr Commander, in the service of the United-States. Since that period he has been lost at sea. His father Capt. Benja. Remington, intends claiming the balance due from the United States for his late Son’s services, & has requested us to write you on the subject. He wishes a copy of Oliver Remington’s Accot. as it stands on the Ship’s Books, or in the proper Office, may be sent us.…”2

LS, RG 217, First Comptroller’s Office, New York—Revenue and Miscellaneous, 1792–1815, National Archives.

1John P. Mumford and Company was a New York City mercantile house.

2On the cover of this letter H wrote: “Mr Woolcott will please to examine the fact & answer this letter in his own name.”

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