Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas FitzSimons, [20 June 1792]

To Thomas FitzSimons1

[Philadelphia, June 20, 1792]

Dear Sir

I return you Mr. Holkers2 papers with the result of the examination which has been made by my direction.3 As the thing at present appears to me I see no chance for Mr. Holker but in the final winding up of the arrangements concerning the public debt, when the existence or non existence of the certificates will be ascertained.

Yrs. with great esteem & regard

A Hamilton

Thomas Fitsimmons Esq

ALS, RG 217, Segregated Documents, “Famous Names,” Hamilton, National Archives.

1FitzSimons was a member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania.

2John Holker, a former inspector general of manufacturers in France, came to the United States in June, 1778. As marine agent of France in the United States, he purchased provisions for the French fleet and garrison at Santo Domingo. Although Holker is referred to as “consul of the King” as early as 1779, his commission from France as consul general in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware was not forwarded to Congress until September 10, 1781 (Wharton, Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence description begins Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States (Washington, 1889). description ends , IV, 703). During the Confederation period, Holker was a charter subscriber to the Bank of North America, and with William Duer became involved in the financial affairs of Daniel Parker and Company. In privateering, government contracts, and other business ventures he was also associated with FitzSimons and Robert Morris (Robert A. East, Business Enterprise in the American Revolutionary Era [New York, 1938], 119, 123–25, 145, 200).

3On February 20, 1816, Alexander J. Dallas, who was then Secretary of the Treasury, reported on a memorial of Holker. The memorial requested the renewal of $20,700 in loan office certificates which had been destroyed by fire on January 2, 1780. After a discussion of Holker’s attempts to obtain a renewal of his certificates under the Confederation, Dallas’s report states: “… on the 18th of February, 1792, the memorialist … formally applied to the Secretary of the Treasury for a renewal of the certificates, and was answered on the 20th of June following.… And this answer was accompanied with a note from the Comptroller of the Treasury [Oliver Wolcott, Jr.] stating that ‘the memorialist did not comply with the resolution of Congress in advertising the certificates immediately; that, in some cases, no proper evidence was adduced that the certificates were advertised at all in the States in which they were issued; and that, in his opinion, the claim should be suspended until an arrangement of all the certificates, had been completed’” (ASP description begins American State Papers, Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States (Washington, 1832–1861). description ends , Claims, I, 470). See “Report on Sundry Petitions,” April 18, 1792, note 6.

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