Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from William Duer, 30 May 1792

From William Duer1

[New York, May 30, 1792. The calendar summary of this letter reads as follows: “Much embarrassed by his engagement with Ohio Company.”2 Letter not found.]

1Letter listed in “Calendar Summary of Philip Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton Papers,” Personal Miscellaneous, Box 6, Schuyler, MS Division, New York Public Library.

2Duer’s engagements with the Ohio Company as trustee of the Scioto Company were settled June 30, 1792 (DS, signed by Benjamin Tallmadge, American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts; Davis, Essays description begins Joseph Stancliffe Davis, Essays in the Earlier History of American Corporations (“Harvard Economic Studies,” XVI [Cambridge, 1917]). description ends , I, 327; Archer Butler Hulbert, The Records of the Original Proceedings of the Ohio Company [Marietta, 1917] II, 23–24, 228–29). See also Benjamin Walker to H, December 28, 1790; William Playfair to H, March 30, 1791.

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