Alexander Hamilton Papers

Treasury Department Circular to the Superintendents of Lighthouses, 22 May 1792

Treasury Department Circular
to the Superintendents of Lighthouses1

Treasury Department May 22nd 1792


Pursuant to the 6th Section of the Act making alterations in the Treasury and War Departments, I have concluded to commit to Tench Coxe Esquire Commissioner of the Revenue, the general superintendence of the Light house and other establishments, relating to the security of navigation according to the powers vested in me by law.2

You will therefore be pleased to correspond in future with the said Commissioner of Revenue, touching all matters relating to the Light House establishment and take his directions thereon.

I am Sir   Your most obedt Servt

Alexander Hamilton

LS, to Jedediah Huntington, MS Division, New York Public Library; LS, to Benjamin Lincoln, RG 36, Collector of Customs at Boston, Letters and Papers re Lighthouses, Buoys, and Piers, 1789–1819, Vol. 1, National Archives; LC, RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, “Segregated” Lighthouse Records, Hamilton, National Archives.

1Huntington and Lincoln were both collectors of customs and superintendents of lighthouses.

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