Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Jonathan Trumbull, 6 April 1792

To Jonathan Trumbull

Treasury Department
April 6th 1792.


I have the honor, pursuant to the order of the House1 on that subject, to transmit herewith sundry petitions2 for personal services in the Army and Navy, which have been heretofore referred to me, and to be, with perfect respect,   Sir   Your most obedient, and   Humble Servant

Alexander Hamilton.

The Honorable
The Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Copy, RG 233, Reports of the Treasury Department, 1792–1793, Vol. III, National Archives.

1An entry in the Journal of the House for March 27, 1792, reads as follows: “Ordered, That the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of War, return the petitions presented to this House, by invalids and others, whose cases are comprehended in the provision of any act of the present session, with the papers accompanying the said petitions, which have been referred to them, and are now in their respective offices; and that the several petitioners have leave to withdraw their petitions” (Journal of the House, I description begins Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States (Washington, 1826), I. description ends , 552).

2The following note appears at the bottom of this letter: “List of petitions referred to in the foregoing letter—viz.

John Carlile, Laurence Furlong,
Richard Dale, Ichabod Johnston and others,
William Delaney, Andrew Ohe,
Abigail Earle Darby Oram.”

Index Entries