Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Smith, 28 March 1792

From Thomas Smith

Loan Office [Philadelphia] Penna. March 28th 1792.


The amount of Stock on the books of this office subject to Interest for the Quarter ending the 31st March 1792 is as follows Viz.

Amot. of 6 ⅌ Ct. Funded Stock 4201.79
Interest from the 1st Octr. 1791. 126. 5
Amot. of Ditto 1203686.55
Interest on Do. from Jany. 1. 1792 18055.29
Amot. of 3 ⅌ Ct. Stock 361.55
Interest on Do. from Octr. 1. 1791 5.42
Amot. of Do 582,824.25
Intt on do from Jany 1. 1792 4371.18
Amot. of 6 ⅌ Ct Stock assumed Debt 299.404.95
Intt. from Jany. 1. 1792. 4491. 7
Amot of 3 ⅌ Ct.   Do   Do 239,737.22
Int. from Jany. 1. 1792.  1798. 2
Total Dollars 28.847. 3

exclusive of the Interest to the State of Pennsa. which amounts as ⅌ my Letter the 28th of Febuary last to 13.982 Dollars 14 Cents.

From the importunate necessity of my Clerks, who have not received their Wages for two Quarters past I am under the necessity of praying your attention for the payment of their Salarys. I flatter myself that after a few months the greater part of their services may be dispensed with.

I have the honor to be with the greatest respect   Sir   your most obedt Hble servt

Thomas Smith Com Loans

Honble. Alexander Hamilton
Secty Treay. United States

ALS, RG 53, Pennsylvania State Loan Office, Letter Book, 1790–1794, Vol. “615-P,” National Archives.

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