To Alexander Hamilton from Nicholas Low, 25 March 1792
From Nicholas Low1
[New York, March 25, 1792. The calendar summary of this letter reads as follows: “On the affairs of the Manufacturing Society (Paterson, N.J.)2 as left by Duer’s failure.”3 Letter not found.]
1. Letter listed in “Calendar Summary of Philip Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton Papers,” Personal Miscellaneous, Box 6, Schuyler, MS Division, New York Public Library.
2. This is a reference to the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures. Low was a director of the society. See Philip Schuyler to H, March 25, 1792.
3. For background on William Duer’s bankruptcy, see Duer to H, March 12, 1792; H to Duer, March 14, 1792; Robert Troup to H, March 19, 1792; and Philip Livingston to H, March 24, 1792.