Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 4 March 1792

To George Washington

[Philadelphia, March 4, 1792]

The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to communicate to the President of the U: States certain resolutions of the Bank of the U: States, in answer to communications from the Treasury.1 He will ask the President’s orders on Monday. The first resolution will particularly require attention.

LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.

1The reports and letters of the Bank of the United States to the Treasury Department have not been found. It is generally assumed that they were destroyed by the Treasury Department fire of 1814 or 1833. See Burton A. Konkle, Thomas Willing and the First American Financial System (Philadelphia, 1937), 151, and James O. Wettereau, “New Light on the First Bank of the United States,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, LXI (July, 1937), 265.

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