Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Francis Childs, 27 February 1792

To Francis Childs

Treasury Department
February 27 1792


I duly received your letter of the 11th instant,1 inclosing a copy of the bill before the Legislature of New York for erecting another Bank,2 and beg you to accept my acknowledgments for the information.

I am, Sir.   Your Mo. Obed Servant.

A Hamilton

Francis Childs Esq.
New York

ALS, from a typescript supplied by Mr. Percy Hamilton Goodsell, Jr., White Plains, New York.

1Letter not found.

2For information on the attempt to organize new banks in New York City, see H to William Seton, January 18, 24, and February 10, 1792; Seton to H, January 22, February 6, 1792; and Philip Schuyler to H, January 29, 1792.

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